Michelle Ross
Dec 2, 20201 min read
Self care. Tip 3: Say 'yes' to yourself
Learning how to say 'no', can be tough - but it's key to following our own path and maintaining our mental health. Watch my short video...
Michelle Ross
Nov 21, 20202 min read
It's ok not to be ok
Right now, with the global pandemic still causing chaos around the world, you are quite probably feeling sad, scared, exhausted, hurt or...
Michelle Ross
Nov 20, 20201 min read
Living in the moment. Tip 5: Manage your expectations
Here's my fifth and final tip of this series to help you to become a little more mindful and escape the chaos that's going on around us....
Michelle Ross
Nov 19, 20201 min read
Living in the moment. Tip 4: Sensory focus
As I've discussed in my previous posts, it's important to take some time out, every day if possible, to focus on the here and now. In...
Michelle Ross
Nov 18, 20201 min read
Living in the moment. Tip 3: A powerful mantra
This week I've been talking about being mindful and have shared some tips to help you to live in the moment a little more. Mantras can...
Michelle Ross
Oct 12, 20203 min read
What CAN we control right now?
In times of stress, change and uncertainty, when the world around us feel so totally out of control, it can be difficult to see that you act